Thursday, September 27, 2007

reflections , imperfections and confections

week 9 thing 23

I hope I am really done! This has been a long and winding road and a magical mystery tour!
I really, really appreciate this opportunity and want to thank all those who made this experience possible. I also want to apologize for the sorry appearance of my blog. I wish it was neater,
more organized and more fun to look at. Maybe next time! I just wanted to get done in time
to be eligible for the prizes and such and my blog's aesthetic suffered. Anyway, to answer your questions- my favorite parts were the games, avatar, Library Thing, & Rollyo. Least favorite- having to create so many accounts and using different user names and passwords for the first few-
my bad! I am just awed by what is available. I feel a bit more savvy and connected to all these new and exciting devices. I expect my reader's advisory skills to reap benefits from this process. I would definitely participate in something like this again! One complaint was that sometimes ( especially for some of the beginning exercises) some of the instructions were confusing and I often couldn't find someone to help me . Really big thanks to Scrappin' Erin- she helped me out a lot with her tips. I think she should get a special award.

Hear ye Hear ye e--books!

week 9 thing 22

I logged into Overdrive for this exercise. I was really surprised at the array of items that you can download; fiction- including children's and YA , non-fiction in just about every category and most
surprisingly graphic novels and video. I did a search for the novel Water for Elephants and was delighted to find it was available. I was also quite surprised and happy to see that you could burn it to a cd. I don't expect to use e-books on a regular basis, but am reassured to know it is another option for books that may not be readily available in another format. I will be talking up this option a lot more to customers now. I am curious how widely it is currently being used.


Week 9 Thing 21

I am listening to a podcast of author Kristin Smith talking about her YA novel The Geography of Girlhood as I type this. I found her through a program called Book Voyages which is available through The Library Channel which I found through I added The Library Channel to my Bloglines account through RSS feed. Book Voyages is all about children's authors and children's books, so it seems very worthwhile to check out. This podcast is dated Oct 2, 2006 and I think it was the latest entry, so I'm not sure if it is still being produced. It's great being able to find author talks this way.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tubing without getting wet; well my feet got wet

week 9 thing 20

I posted the cute Singing Piano Cats video from you tube. Chose this one because it was really short but amusing. When I was trying to find it a second time so I could post it to my blog,
I had a hard time because there were so many singing piano cat entries (who knew?!) that weren't the one I wanted. I changed my search strategy to choosing from the category Comedy and it was easier to find that way. There must be a better way to narrow down the video you want- I'll have to ask my kids- or maybe you have to bookmark it if you need to come back to it.
I'll need to work on that. I don't see myself going to you tube much unless I hear of a specific clip that's making the rounds. I'm not sure how the library could incorporate its usage, though I did see on someone else's blog the idea of using it to promote the library- once bandwith is increased.

Singing Piano Cats

you tube posting

2.0 awards

week 8 thing 19

I looked at Yelp which is a city guide and review site. You can search for local restaurants, shopping, nightlife etc. and also harder to find suggestions like event planning & services and education among them. There are favorites lists to look at or you can search by category, or specifics such as taco, salon or Max's. You can specify it to be close to an address, city, state or zip. You can write your own reviews, link to friends and/or enter into a chat room. A useful site which will become even better with more entries into the more unusual categories.

I also looked at Shopify. You can use this site to create your own online shop or
to actually shop. I tried to find my favorite childhood toy that is no longer being manufactured (Mattel mini-dragons) but alas no luck.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

web apps

ho ho ho I'm trying out zoho. I like that I can create a document straight from the
week 8 thing 18

playing in the sandbox

week 7 thing 17

I was able to add my blog to the master list of wiki blogs. I also posted a comment to What I am
Reading wiki blog about the book Twilight. I didn't like that my first and last name was attached to my comment, I'm sure it could have been avoided but wasn't aware at the time that would happen. Actually, I was happy to get out of the sandbox!

wiki means quicki (in Hawaiian)

week 7 thing 15

I found it a bit disturbing to learn that wikis can be altered by anyone and the information isn't necessarily trustworthy. I knew that wikipedia might not have completely reliable information
because anyone can post to it, but finding out an entry can be edited by someone other than the original postee was weird. Most of the comments I've read from some of the very tech savvy bloggers had mostly good things to say about wikis, so I'm keeping an open mind about them.

I looked at the booklovers wiki and found it to be another great resource for reader's advisory and potential book club books. The ALA wiki was interesting and useful for conference planners and attendees. I tried exploring some wikis on my own, but they all seemed to require registration, so I got frustrated and stopped. I did try to register for the booklovers wiki , but upon trying to login (three separate times) it kept telling me it was trying to verify my e-mail address.

Perspectives on Library 2.0

week 6 thing 14

The youtube video was very entertaining in showing a video of progressive uses
of the internet; liked the music too. After reading the articles on 2.0 and the future, it made me realize how fast everything is moving, changing, warping.
It is hard to imagine what will come next. Being able to link to people with common interests, problems, new ideas, tips, everything under the sun, is really phenomenal. With all this interconnectivity, perhaps cures for cancer, aids etc. will not be far away. New ideas and perspectives linking with other new ideas and perspectives should lead to some great outcomes. As the babyboomers grow old, and the next generation matures our traditional ways of doing things are bound to change. I can't fathom a world without a library building housing
actual books, but perhaps that future isn't too far away. I guess as librarians we need to start thinking about how we can utilize these innovations to serve our public.

Technorati is spotty!

week 6 thing 14

Technorati is a search engine specifically for finding blogs you are interested in.
The first search I tried was to look for blogs on Jonathan Tucker who is my nephew and an actor. He is in the movie In the Valley of Elah which is currently playing in theatres. I was pleasantly surprised to find about 145 responses, most of them about the movie. When I was looking at top searches I was surprised to see the top headings were titled things I'd never heard of before.
A little further down were youtube, facebook and Vanessa Hudgins which
made more sense. I don't believe I will continue to use Technorati as I am not a blog enthusiast.

Friday, September 21, 2007

week 6 thing 13

have listened to the tutorial and created an account.

need a lot more time to explore this and understand how to optimize its usefulness

it's nice being able to tag sites and have them grouped together by topics, kind of like
your own webcrawler.

I've only listed two sites so far, and am not sure when I'll get back to it.

Having all of these customized lists and search tools is empowering.


week 5 thing 12

Rollyo is great! It's great having a customised list of favorite websites to search from.

Really useful for the info desk
Beats having to sort through a lot of irrelavant returns.
I'm looking forward to looking through other blogs to discover more great sites to add!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Library Thing

week 5 thing 11

wonderful resource! love having a list of books to refer to especially when my memory fails me which is more and more frequently these days. love having suggestions available at the tips of my fingers from people that like the same kinds of books as me. great reader's advisory tool.

have only put in the minimum 5 books for now, but I will continue to use and explore this site.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

havin' trouble unfurlin' merlin!

Week 4 Thing #9

I'm having trouble understanding exactly how to use Merlin. Is this supposed to be an Rss feed for Maryland library info? I did post a comment. Maybe the name Merlin means you need to be a computer wizard to use it successfully. Yes, that must be it. aabracadabra poof!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

week 1 thing 2

Thank you Ellen for the reminder.

At first I thought the lifelong learners tutorial was a waste of time; but when I finished listening I felt it was worthwhile afterall. I really liked the idea of treating problems as challenges, although
that will be a challenge in and of itself, so it's sort of a new problem! You followed that right?
I will try to use that mindset and hopefully will approach problems differently. So, that will be
the hardest lesson from thing 2. The easiest? Perhaps play! Downtime is when I'm most relaxed
so my brain probably absorbs new information more readily. Kind of a contradiction.
One thing that really bothered me was that the narrator of the tutorial kept saying learnin'
guess her lifelong learning didn't include the ing sound!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


originally uploaded by wuschL.
learning how to get public photos from flickr

rss feeds

I've created my RSS feed newsreader through I can see how it can become addictive! You could spend all day subscribing to and reading about new stuff. I was disappointed
that the feed for Unshelved wasn't working. I love those cartoons! I added a VH1 movies feed that I found on another participants blog. I really like the book review feeds- for me that is the most useful right now. The reader's review feed is a bit disappointing in that there is generally only one line of review ; not enough to let you know if they thought it was really worthwhile.
The summaries are helpful tho'.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

avatar again

does the avatar count as the image generator for thing # 10? If I don't hear back, I will e-mail you Ellen!


o.k. i've posted my avatar- it was fun but a bit frustrating because it wouldn't give me choices for eye color, hair color or hairstyles. i really wanted long blonde hair and green eyes. i had lots of choices in the other categories tho'. i love having a pet zebra!

finally have an avatar!

Yahoo! Avatars
hey there-long time no 'see'
i've had seriously little time to do this at work, i hope you'll pardon the delay
i've been working with rss feeds and think they are really neat-i'm a bit concerned about how much xtra time i'll be spendingreading all these feeds. i
i first set up an account with google reader and then i discovered i was supposed to do it with i like google reader better- it is a bit simpler to use.
also when i was adding feeds to , the connection timed out on me before i had
10 feeds- i presently have 8. i'll get back to it hopefully tomorrow.
i'm really excited about the feeds with new book reviews and music reviews!
i hope this blog counts for one of the 'things'- thing #7 perhaps?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

panic at the disco warholized

My creation
My creation,
originally uploaded by shadowsong1.
thing # 6

finally wising up to the fact that I should be listing thing #'s as I go along.
this was actually not too hard to figure out. I've seen people at work making avatars and want to try that, but haven't found it yet.


playin' around with flickr again

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Originally uploaded by shadowsong1
Hi, today is my first day bck to work after a beach vacation. I haven't posted in quite a while. Before vacation, I was seriously frustrated by Flickr. I am now further along than before and am praying this works.
So here goes...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


being the parent of teenagers is exasperating. quite a different ballgame than when they were younger. like delving into a pool of muddy water after swimming in the lukewarm lake; longing for adult swim! older child has me worried. testing the boundaries of life and swimming against the current, not a real strong swimmer either. getting pulled in directions we don't want. how to change? our opinions don't matter, only those of friends. nice group of kids, but all trying to find their own way, experimenting, leaving safe places behind, poor judgement, not stopping to think.

want to help them swim back to safetyand don't know how. standing on the shore as they drift further away. younger child also trying to find an identity. lots of emo music, lots of concerts.

very creative, making jewelry out of unusual objects. thinks for self more than other child. want to protect thm both!